Heritage on film: Young people explore the past

Heritage on film: Young people explore the past

Young people are the future advocates for heritage, and so we are keen to support projects that help them gain new skills and experiences.

If you have a project idea or have been inspired by this film then get in touch! The Development Team in the West Midlands provide free advice and support to all potential applicants to help you to develop your ideas. Contact: 0121 616 6870 or westmidlands@hlf.org.uk.

We hope you enjoy the film!

The projects in the film:

Sixth form students celebrated the 70th anniversary of Codsall High School by recording local people’s memories of school and village life in the 1940s and 50s. Their exhibition and souvenir booklet made direct comparisons between school uniforms and the curriculum and celebrated significant local events.

The I-land life project explored the heritage of ethnic minority communities in Birmingham from the 1950s through to the present day. 40 Young people, from the Five Ways Estate in Birmingham, collected stories through cross generational interviews and explored their families’ heritage and migration to Britain. 

In an 80 acre wood young people from hard to reach rural communities explored the heritage of woodland crafts, understanding the traditions behind these crafts and the role they played in rural people's lives.

For more information about our dedicated Young Roots programme.