Crafting the future for Padiham townscape

The council submitted a bid into the HLF Townscape Heritage programme last year for funding to transform a substantial area of the Padiham town centre conservation area - an area of Victorian buildings, which includes 40 buildings along Burnley Road at the heart of Padiham, which are predominantly in retail use.
The Council has been awarded a first-round pass offering a development grant of up to £48,200 towards the development of the Padiham Townscape Heritage Scheme. The first round pass means that money has been set aside by HLF for the Padiham Scheme and gives the green light to progress plans to apply for the full grant.
The full grant involves a five-year programme bid for £1.45million to breathe new life back into the heart of Padiham through five separate programmes:
- Physical works to buildings: grants to property owners to cover a fixed percentage of the costs of repairs to the exterior, reinstatement and restoration of historic features
- Public realm scheme: £250,000 public realm scheme to include decluttering of street furniture and signage, new pavement treatments, pavement widening, public art, replacing lamp posts and introducing a 20mph zone
- Education and engagement programme: working with local partners including the Gawthorpe Textile Collection and the Padiham Archive to deliver a programme of engagement with heritage
- Heritage/conservation skills programme: delivering a series of training days targeting local contractors, crafts people and apprentices
- Project management and evaluation: managed by a dedicated Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) Officer
Burnley Council Deputy Leader, John Harbour, said: “The great news from the HLF that we have been awarded a first round pass for Padiham’s Crafting the Future project couldn’t have come at a better time, after the recent floods which caused significant disruption in Padiham Town Centre. The town has bounced back from the floods with great passion and resilience, and it will be a great injection of confidence for the future for them that we have reached this positive stage towards securing substantial funding for the transformation and conservation works to the historic town centre buildings.
“Padiham has a lovely market town feel with some stunning architecture. There are some great specialist shops in Padiham and funding which will bring the buildings and heritage back into full economic use will greatly enhance the town centre, build on the civic pride in the area, and bring many new visitors and shoppers to the town in the future. It’s a very positive step towards transforming Padiham’s future."
HLF Chair, Sir Peter Luff, said: “Historic town centres are the beating heart of communities, so where they fall into disrepair, the community pays a heavy price. Research shows that this can be changed and that even small changes – improving shop fronts or restoring architectural features – can make a real difference. That’s what the Townscape Heritage Scheme does so successfully, providing a boost for local economies, with vital employment and training opportunities, start-up spaces for small businesses and enhanced public spaces for residents and visitors. Townscape Heritage funding has made a huge difference to communities across the UK and this is only possible thanks to National Lottery players.”
Over the next 12 months the council will progress plans to apply for the full grant and submit to the second round for the full grant.
Notes to editors
- The Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) is a five-year programme focused on Padiham’s Conservation Area - a compact area of mostly Victorian buildings along a 0.2km stretch of Burnley Road (the A671). The 40 buildings in this area are predominantly in retail use, lining a steep west facing slope referred to locally as 'the hill'
- This Conservation Area was added to the national Heritage at Risk register published by Historic England in 2013, as a result of a deterioration of the area’s condition and appearance over the previous three years. The register describes the area as being ‘very bad’, with particular concern over the number of vacancies; visible signs of under investment in repairs and maintenance; loss of historic detail and inappropriate change to doors and windows, decorative features, shopfronts and signs; the general condition of the public realm; and the presence of high traffic flow. The register notes that the area is not expected to change significantly without intervention
- Four priority blocks of properties in the area will be targeted for THI improvements which have been identified as having a high degree of heritage interest and are considered to have the potential for greatest regenerative and heritage benefits. The total grant bid to HLF Townscape Heritage programme amounts to £1.5m. The project will be delivered in two phases. The initial development phase will include recruitment of a dedicated THI officer, development of project management plans, commission of a stock condition survey to inform the improvement works, and initial consultation and engagement on the scheme. This phase is expected to take approximately 12 to 18 months
- The delivery phase which follows will include the actual delivery of the building and public realm improvements, skills training, education and engagement - and is expected to last approximately three years
Further information
- Burnley Council: Joanne Etherington, PR Officer, on tel: 01282 477315
- HLF Press Office, Elaine Cooper or Katie Owen, on tel: 020 7591 6143/6063 or via mobile: 07973 613820