Bells and pipes at St Andrew's, Epworth

Bells and pipes at St Andrew's, Epworth

The 1937 Coronation Bell (tenor) at St Andrew's Church, Epworth
The 1937 Coronation Bell (tenor) at St Andrew's Church, Epworth

The envisaged total cost of the project is £48,637 and the grant will defray ninety percent of the costs. Work is expected to start in the next few weeks and be complete within a three-month period.

The church has a fine peal of eight which were installed to commemorate the Coronation of HM King George VI. They have had very little work done on them since they were installed approximately 80 years ago and they are now showing signs of distress as work on the wheels is an urgent priority. Work is also required on the rope pulley assemblies, clappers and bell frame.

Metal from a previous peal of bells was used in 1937 to supplement the metal required for the new bells. Opportunity will be taken to install a degree of sound control which will allow enthusiastic bell ringers to ring long peals without disturbing members of the community. This will also facilitate the training of recruit bell ringers.

The project on the bells will put the bells in a sound condition for years to come. It will allow new recruits to the art of campanology to be taught to ring more easily.
Within the church is a two keyboard manual organ which is to be given a strip down clean along with other repairs. Opportunity will also be given to install a new blower in a sound proof box.

The work will bring the organ to the 1999 condition when a major restoration was undertaken. It will then be in a sound condition for many years to come and will be appreciated during musical events and acts of worship. A workshop is being planned for November to allow members of the community to learn more about bell ringing and the organ. Informative leaflets on the bells and the organ will be produced.

Photographs of the recently completed fabric restoration will shortly be made available for the community to view on the church website. This is a follow on to the successful project ‘Conserving and Sharing St Andrew’s". 

Fiona Spiers, Head of HLF Yorkshire and the Humber said: “This is a great project which will restore St Andrew’s Coronation Bells ensuring the community can learn about the ancient art of campanology and enjoy the bells for another 80 years. HLF is dedicated to supporting projects that open up our heritage for locals and visitors to learn about and enjoy”.

Notes for editors

St Andrew’s Church Epworth has a long and varied history spanning over 800 years and has strong connections with Wesley Family (founders of Methodism). Over recent years £1.6million has been spent on the restoration of the fabric. This has been funded by the HLF, English Heritage, other funders and local fund raising.

Further information

Melvyn Rose, Chairman Restoration Committee, tel: 01427 872 080, or via email: