Logos Cynllun Lle Arbennig (Lloegr yn unig)

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Atodiad | Maint |
Great Place Scheme logo – RGB (PNG) | 53.85 KB |
Great Place Scheme logo – Black (PNG) | 51.51 KB |
Great Place Scheme logo – CMYK (EPS) | 1.71 MB |
Mae cynnwys y dudalen yma'n Saesneg yn unig oherwydd nad yw'n berthnasol i Gymru. Os hoffech ragor o wybodaeth cysylltwch â cymorthcymraeg@heritagefund.org.uk
Dylech bob amser gydnabod eich grant yn ddwyieithog yng Nghymru. Ceir rhagor o wybodaeth yma.
Acknowledging your funding
If you have received funding through the Great Place Scheme, you must acknowledge your grant for the duration of your contract.
At the very minimum we expect you to:
Display our logo prominently during your events and on your website, publications and printed materials
Acknowledge your funding through social media
Order of funder logos
If you need to acknowledge several funders and the largest grant has been made through the Great Place Scheme, our logo should appear first.