Areas, buildings and monuments

Areas, buildings and monuments

People walking up steps to a castle with turret
Lincoln Castle. Credit: Colin McLean Photography
Safeguarding our historic buildings, monuments and archaeology for future generations.

Since 1994 we have awarded £3.3billion to more than 10,300 area, historic building and monument projects across the UK.

These projects can help to sustain jobs, support economic growth and protect heritage at risk. They can also bolster local pride, nurture traditional craft skills and help communities enjoy and make use of the places they care about.

What do we support?

Projects we fund include:

  • investment in places of worship
  • conservation and repairs to historic buildings and places
  • finding appropriate new uses for historic buildings
  • community archaeology projects

Places of worship

Places of worship are among the UK’s oldest and most cherished historic buildings. We want to help congregations become truly resilient and their buildings genuinely sustainable.

Project ideas

Our funding could help people:

  • repair and transform a historic building at the heart of their community
  • help volunteers learn building conservation skills
  • rescue a building on a Buildings at Risk register
  • undertake a community archaeology project
  • regenerate a historic town centre or high street
  • look after and learn about a local war memorial

For more inspiration, see the stories below or browse projects we've funded.

How to get funding

Our National Lottery Heritage Grants programme is open for applications.

People being shown inside Garnethill Synagogue, Glasgow
People gather inside Garnethill Synagogue


Garnethill Synagogue, Glasgow - restoration

The 19th-century tiled floor of Garnethill Synagogue was repaired by a specialist tiler working with a young apprentice, and is now enjoyed by all those who visit.

External view of the Holy Cross Church, Ardoyne
Holy Cross Church, Ardoyne


Holy Cross, Ardoyne

Holy Cross Church, one of the most significant historic buildings in the Ardoyne area of Belfast, has been restored and saved from deterioration.

Fulham Palace
Fulham Palace


Restoration of Fulham Palace

Fulham Palace, a residence for Bishops of London for 1,300 years, has been restored and its public profile raised.

Frigidarium at the Turkish Baths, Harrogate
Frigidarium at the Turkish Baths, Harrogate


Restoring the Turkish Baths, Harrogate

In Victorian times, a Turkish bath was a luxury enjoyed by the well-to-do and was an essential element of a spa town. The Royal Baths in Harrogate were like a fantasy journey into the exotic east and were said to be the most advanced centre for hydrotherapy in the world.

Charleston Farmhouse
Charleston Farmhouse


Charleston Regained

The Charleston Regained project has safeguarded the heritage of Charleston Farmhouse, meeting place for the Bloomsbury Group, for generations to come.

Ceiling of the Royal Hall, Harrogate
Ceiling of the Royal Hall, Harrogate


Restoration of the Royal Hall, Harrogate

A focal point of Harrogate since the beginning of the 19th century, when its opening was called 'a glittering palace of gold', the hall launched the town's fame as a health spa resort

Young visitors explore Arnos Vale Cemetery
Young visitors explore Arnos Vale Cemetery


Arnos Vale Cemetery

Arnos Vale Cemetery has undergone a major restoration programme, and been transformed into a heritage, wildlife and visitor centre.

An icon of a church building


Three Solway Churches Development Project

The Three Solway Churches Development Project used a Your Heritage grant to complete a series of capital works to St Michael's Church, Burgh-by-Sands.

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.