A new business plan for Maryhill Burgh Halls

Stained glass display at Maryhill Burgh Halls
Stained glass display at Maryhill Burgh Halls

Transition Funding

Date awarded
Local Authority
Glasgow City
Maryhill Burgh Halls Trust
Award Given
Experiencing financial difficulty, the Maryhill Burgh Halls Trust employed a mentor to help them develop a new business plan.

The Maryhill Burgh Halls is a B-listed 134-year old building which houses a series of Stephen Adam stained glass panels showcasing the trades and industries of the area. The Halls runs heritage events for local audiences and provides a space for community groups and businesses to meet.

However, the Halls’ income was low and was running at a loss each year. Without funding, the Halls were expected to close within six months.

The project employed a mentor, appointed by HLF, who undertook a review of all aspects of their business plan. The mentor provided the Board of Trustees with recommendations on how to increase their income and to save money.

Working together, the mentor and the Board of Trustees developed a three-year business plan. In order to continue to improve its finances after the project was completed, Board members received training in business planning and management and it is hoped the skills they have developed will aid the long-term financial stability of the Halls.

Find out more on the Mary Hill Burgh Halls website.

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