Children and young people

Young participants carrying out research at the National Library of Scotland
Young participants carrying out research at the National Library of Scotland


Youth Work and Women of Influence in Scottish Communities

YouthLink Scotland worked with five youth groups to celebrate Scotland’s forgotten women and research the achievements of influential women in their communities.

Volunteers testing the digital trail


Out and Proud Histories in Greater Manchester

The Out and Proud project explores and celebrates lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) histories and heritage across Greater Manchester using digital technologies.

Two young people look at a photo
Young people carry out research for the project



This project was designed to give young people the opportunity to preserve the heritage of the African Caribbean community living in Newport.

Female football player, No Game For Girls project
A re-enactment of the first female munition workers football match in Coventry nearly 100 years on


No Game For Girls: A history of women's football in WW1

No game for girls explored how First World War munitionette football teams drew crowds of thousands before they were banned after the war by an anti-women’s football campaign.

Volunteer with archaeological find at Abberley dig
Volunteer with archaeological find at Abberley dig


Revealing medieval Abberley

Volunteers and school children used archaeological techniques to discover the lost heritage of Abberley, Worcestershire.

An older woman is interviewed by four children
Children interview one of the project volunteers


Are Ye Askin

To mark the opening of the Beacon Arts Centre, Rig Arts celebrated the history of entertainment in Inverclyde throughout the 20th century.

School children taking part in the Swaledale Big Dig


The Swaledale Big Dig

Swaledale Big Dig is uncovering and recording the archaeology and history of the local settlements of Grinton and Reeth.

The room for Ancoats developed as part of the A Different Spirit project
The room for Ancoats developed as part of the A Different Spirit project


A Different Spirit

Young people worked with creative practitioners, historians, curators and local residents to uncover the history of Ancoats Art Museum.

An expert explaining the historical significance of the docks, on site


Queenhithe Dock Heritage Timeline

The heritage timeline will explore the histories of people and communities who have influenced the only surviving Anglo Saxon dock, Queenhithe dock.

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