Touching Memory

Touching Memory

Ardgowan Primary school memory box
The Ardgowan Primary school created 12 memory boxes

Sharing Heritage

Date awarded
Inverclyde East Central
Local Authority
Inverclyde Community Care Forum (Your Voice)
Award Given
Touching Memory created memory boxes for people with dementia that explore the everyday life of people living in Inverclyde from the 1950s to the 1980s.

54 pupils from Ardgowan Primary school worked with curators from the Mclean Museum and Art Gallery, artists from Greenock based Rig Arts and NHS healthcare workers to create 12 memory boxes. These collections of objects were used in memory work with adults with severe complex dementia needs in Orchard View, a new Inverclyde Mental Health Continuing Care Facility.

Touching Memory is one of ten arts projects created through the Hearts, Hands and Minds art, design and activity strategy, which NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde commissioned Wide Open to develop and deliver. Wide Open are a creative organisation that works with communities to create public spaces and buildings that promote health, happiness and wellbeing.

Touching Memory has had a far deeper and wider impact than anticipated, opening up new ideas, skills, ways of thinking and new perceptions of the world by children and adults involved.

The completed memory boxes were exhibited at the Hearts, Hands and Minds exhibition at the Beacon Arts Centre, as part of the 2016 Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival.

Read the Touching Memory blog to find out more.

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