Children and young people

A group of children posing for a photograph, some holding family objects
Children at a workshop held during the project.


Cocorico! Exploring the heritage in our homes

A Congolese community organisation in Swansea brought people together to learn about and share their heritage through personal items.
Young people gathered around a red sofa
Ignite Yorkshire's Cactus Crew


A revolution in industrial heritage

In our conversation with Marie Millward, Ignite Yorkshire project manager, we discuss how to move beyond "nostalgia" to engage young people with our industrial past.
Two young men


Changing lives: volunteering helps Ben turn away from trouble

The youth club at the Galley Centre offered the young people of Kidsgrove, Staffordshire, a reason to keep off the streets and out of trouble. But when bored teenagers, including some of 17-year-old Ben's friends, vandalised the centre, the youth club was closed down. It left them with nothing to do
Jaded in a park


Changing lives: Jade's journey from care to college

In her 22 years, Jade has experienced more hardship than most people encounter in a lifetime. Born to a heroin addict mother, Jade spent most of her childhood in the care system. Asked about the happy times in her childhood, Jade is unequivocal: the years living with her grandma in Trimdon village.

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