Children and young people

Young people collect oral histories
Young people collect oral histories


Each One, Teach One

The project brought together young and older people to explore the built heritage of Hulme and Moss Side from the 1950s to the present day.

A trainee rethatches a roundhouse
A trainee rethatches a roundhouse


ESAMP Heritage traineeships

This HLF-supported project took on seven trainees in 2011 for 12 months of work-based training focusing on heritage building skills and historic landscape management.

Children listening to a talk about the archaeological site
Children listening to a talk about the archaeological site


Excavating a newly discovered Bronze Age burial mound

Following the unexpected discovery of a Late Bronze Age tanged chisel and knife blade, a rapid archaeological assessment identified the site as an extremely rare, intact Bronze Age burial mound at Bolton-le-Sands.

Student Holly Patrick, presenter of the Havant’s Heroes film at the grave of Sir Frederick Fitzwygram, one of the soldiers featured in the film
Student Holly Patrick, presenter of the Havant’s Heroes film at the grave of Sir Frederick Fitzwygram, one of the soldiers featured in the film


Exploring our heroes - the impact of World War 1 on the people of Havant

Outside their lesson time, a group of students investigated the lives of people from Havant during the First World War and created a film, website and book.

Young people trying on costumes at Bath Costume Museum
Young people enjoy trying on costumes and finding out about fashion in the past


Fabric of Life

LGBT+ young people in Wiltshire explore fashion and identity.

Project participant researching circus performers and characters
A project participant gets into her research



Young people from the communities of Muirhouse and Pilton in Edinburgh have been exploring the traditions and evolution of travelling circuses.

Young people discovering film related museum objects
Young people discovering film related museum objects


Bradford film history and heritage uncovered and explained

A group of young people from a local school worked with Bradford UNESCO City of Film (BUCF) to plan and deliver a heritage project alongside Bradford Industrial Museum, National Media Museum and Yorkshire Film Archive.

Young actor playing the part of an ice cream seller for visiting school pupils
Young actor playing the part of an ice cream seller for visiting school pupils


New Street Station history project for young people

Young people from Midland Actors Theatre joined the Library of Birmingham to explore and share the 160-year history of New Street Station.

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