Framework Agreement with DCMS

Framework Agreement with DCMS

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In May 2024 we finalised our new Framework Agreement with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

The National Heritage Memorial Fund framework document 2024–2027 is now available on GOV.UK's DCMS framework documents

This agreement replaces the Management Agreement which we previously had with DCMS and is part of a cross-government programme to update the agreements governing the relationships between arm's length bodies (ALBs) and their parent departments. The Cabinet Office now requires all ALBs to have a Framework Agreement between the parent department and ALBs to govern the relationship between the ALB, the sponsor department and the rest of government. These Framework Agreements are largely standardised across ALBs.

The Agreement sets out in one place the governance, oversight and reporting requirements between ourselves and DCMS. It aims to assure and frame our relationship with DCMS but does not change how we work with or engage with each other in day-to-day terms. It does not change our policy directions or supersede primary legislation but is a useful reminder of the regular reporting we do for DCMS and how we work with them across the organisation.

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