Children and young people

Children and young people

Heritage has a crucial role to play in enriching the lives of children and young people, creating a more inclusive society.

Since 1994, we are proud to have invested over £60million across the UK in projects working with children and young people. This includes the £10m Kick the Dust programme.

We are committed to supporting greater inclusion, diversity, access and participation in heritage – including for younger generations. We know that children and young people can play a significant role in creating innovative and exciting heritage projects that speak to them. 

Explore some of our work below and find inspiration for your project, then discover whether your idea is eligible for funding.


Two young people look at a photo
Young people carry out research for the project



This project was designed to give young people the opportunity to preserve the heritage of the African Caribbean community living in Newport.

Young people collect oral histories
Young people collect oral histories


Each One, Teach One

The project brought together young and older people to explore the built heritage of Hulme and Moss Side from the 1950s to the present day.

Female football player, No Game For Girls project
A re-enactment of the first female munition workers football match in Coventry nearly 100 years on


No Game For Girls: A history of women's football in WW1

No game for girls explored how First World War munitionette football teams drew crowds of thousands before they were banned after the war by an anti-women’s football campaign.

The Eden Court Collective researching stories at the archives
The Eden Court Collective researching stories at the archives


A War Unheard

Young drama enthusiasts formed the Eden Court Collective, a theatre company that set out to explore and share the untold stories of warfare.

Young people in First World War historical costume
The cast of the play celebrate their achievements


Working The War

A group of young people researched the personal stories of families who worked in the local torpedo factory during the First World War.

Young people discovering film related museum objects
Young people discovering film related museum objects


Bradford film history and heritage uncovered and explained

A group of young people from a local school worked with Bradford UNESCO City of Film (BUCF) to plan and deliver a heritage project alongside Bradford Industrial Museum, National Media Museum and Yorkshire Film Archive.

An interview with a seated young women
A range of filmed interviews recorded LGBT history


Coming Out Stories

Young people captured, preserved and shared the Coming Out Stories of Birmingham’s LGBT community.

Student Holly Patrick, presenter of the Havant’s Heroes film at the grave of Sir Frederick Fitzwygram, one of the soldiers featured in the film
Student Holly Patrick, presenter of the Havant’s Heroes film at the grave of Sir Frederick Fitzwygram, one of the soldiers featured in the film


Exploring our heroes - the impact of World War 1 on the people of Havant

Outside their lesson time, a group of students investigated the lives of people from Havant during the First World War and created a film, website and book.

Young actor playing the part of an ice cream seller for visiting school pupils
Young actor playing the part of an ice cream seller for visiting school pupils


New Street Station history project for young people

Young people from Midland Actors Theatre joined the Library of Birmingham to explore and share the 160-year history of New Street Station.

Local young people working in Judy Woods, Bradford
Local young people working in Judy Woods, Bradford


QR Code Information Track Judy Woods Bradford

The Friends of Judy Woods and JAMES (Joint Activities and Motor Education Services) worked together to open up natural heritage to local young people through a new digital heritage trail.

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.