Children and young people

Children and young people

Heritage has a crucial role to play in enriching the lives of children and young people, creating a more inclusive society.

Since 1994, we are proud to have invested over £60million across the UK in projects working with children and young people. This includes the £10m Kick the Dust programme.

We are committed to supporting greater inclusion, diversity, access and participation in heritage – including for younger generations. We know that children and young people can play a significant role in creating innovative and exciting heritage projects that speak to them. 

Explore some of our work below and find inspiration for your project, then discover whether your idea is eligible for funding.


Two young men


Changing lives: volunteering helps Ben turn away from trouble

The youth club at the Galley Centre offered the young people of Kidsgrove, Staffordshire, a reason to keep off the streets and out of trouble. But when bored teenagers, including some of 17-year-old Ben's friends, vandalised the centre, the youth club was closed down. It left them with nothing to do
Jaded in a park


Changing lives: Jade's journey from care to college

In her 22 years, Jade has experienced more hardship than most people encounter in a lifetime. Born to a heroin addict mother, Jade spent most of her childhood in the care system. Asked about the happy times in her childhood, Jade is unequivocal: the years living with her grandma in Trimdon village.
An illustration by Walter Crane for the story of Puss in Boots
An illustration by Walter Crane for the story of Puss in Boots


The Three Bears 'and other English Tales'

Young people from refugee communities discover the pastimes of Victorian children through nursery rhymes brought to life by Walter Crane.

Booklets displayed in a glass display case at an exhibition
Booklets displayed in a glass display case at an exhibition


Kashmiri Lives

Recording the culture of the Kashmiri community in Greater Manchester through the collection of memories.

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.