Areas, buildings and monuments

Areas, buildings and monuments

People walking up steps to a castle with turret
Lincoln Castle. Credit: Colin McLean Photography
Safeguarding our historic buildings, monuments and archaeology for future generations.

Since 1994 we have awarded £3.3billion to more than 10,300 area, historic building and monument projects across the UK.

These projects can help to sustain jobs, support economic growth and protect heritage at risk. They can also bolster local pride, nurture traditional craft skills and help communities enjoy and make use of the places they care about.

What do we support?

Projects we fund include:

  • investment in places of worship
  • conservation and repairs to historic buildings and places
  • finding appropriate new uses for historic buildings
  • community archaeology projects

Places of worship

Places of worship are among the UK’s oldest and most cherished historic buildings. We want to help congregations become truly resilient and their buildings genuinely sustainable.

Project ideas

Our funding could help people:

  • repair and transform a historic building at the heart of their community
  • help volunteers learn building conservation skills
  • rescue a building on a Buildings at Risk register
  • undertake a community archaeology project
  • regenerate a historic town centre or high street
  • look after and learn about a local war memorial

For more inspiration, see the stories below or browse projects we've funded.

How to get funding

Our National Lottery Heritage Grants programme is open for applications.

A block icon representing a shop


Bridgend Townscape Heritage Initiative Phase II

The historic commercial core of the once flourishing town of Bridgend is to be further conserved and redeveloped as part of an ongoing initiative to drive forward economic and social regeneration.

A street in Pontypool


Pontypool Town Centre THI

The Pontypool Townscape Heritage Initiative is contributing to Torfaen County Borough Council’s regeneration strategy and vision for Pontypool town centre.

Keighley Town Centre
Keighley Town Centre


Keighley Town Centre

A £2.7million grant scheme in Keighley is transforming the Yorkshire market town, through a mix of streetscape and building improvements, and reminding visitors and locals of its proud heritage.

Buildings along Chapeltown Road. Photo Kippa Matthews
Buildings along Chapeltown Road


Chapeltown Road Townscape Heritage Initiative (Leeds)

It was a lucky quirk of fate that Chapeltown missed the 1990s’ housing boom because it meant that the original Victorian and Edwardian buildings were left standing to be ripe for restoration as part of a £802,000 project to inject new life into the area.

Stained glass display at Maryhill Burgh Halls
Stained glass display at Maryhill Burgh Halls


A new business plan for Maryhill Burgh Halls

Experiencing financial difficulty, the Maryhill Burgh Halls Trust employed a mentor to help them develop a new business plan.

Rotten Row's flowers in bloom
Rotten Row's flowers in bloom


Rotten Row Southport

A project bringing the herbaceous border of Rotten Row, Southport, back to life.

Children learning about the chiming bells
Children learning about the chiming bells


Local heroes: Revealing the Memorial Bells

The restoration of a rare set of chiming bells hung in 1925 in memory of 197 local heroes connected to the Memorial Community Church in Plaistow, London.

Young children in costume
Young children learning about the history of Grosmont Village.


Bringing the past alive

Repairing the Grade I Church of St Nicholas, and restoring and relocating a 17th century monument, provided the impetus for a new interpretation and activity programme. This involved many young people and adults from the village and further afield.

People carrying out an archaeological excavation
Participants at the Fin Cop dig site


Fin Cop - solving more mysteries

Longstone Local History Group carried out further archaeological work on an Iron Age Hill Fort near Bakewell, covering the full extent of Fin Cop.

Exploring the restoration of Christ Church, Great Ayton
Exploring the restoration of Christ Church, Great Ayton


Restoring Great Ayton's Christ Church

The restoration aimed to preserve key features of Christ Church in Ayton, North Yorkshire, while promoting community engagement.

The centrepiece is a reredos designed by Temple Moore and lists 192 servicemen who lost their lives in the Great War


Restoring war-damaged reredos in Norwich's War Memorial Chapel

St Mark’s Church in Norwich has a War Memorial Chapel, dedicated in 1920. The Project restored the reredos and cleaned the War Memorial

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.