Investing in heritage for wellbeing

Architectural drawing of a stone and timber clad building showing how the historic stableblock will look when developed into The Gardeners' House
Architectural drawing of The Gardeners' House.


The Gardeners' House: connecting people with nature

£2.2million has been awarded to create a new green community hub in Penzance, housing 200 years of Cornwall’s natural heritage and a sensory garden.

Three children hold tomatoes to their noses


Green Valley Conservation and Heritage Project

A derelict site in Cynon Valley has been transformed into a community garden full of people, nature and wildlife – and is now the perfect place for boosting mental health.

Four people holding plants whilst smiling at camera


Pollinating the Peak

Staff, volunteers and participants on the Pollinating the Peak project are gaining a wellbeing boost from caring for bumblebees.

Long green grass and rushes surrounding water at Woodwalton Fen
Woodwalton Fen.


Peatland Progress: A New Vision for the Fens

We have awarded more than £8million to this ground-breaking project that addresses climate change, carbon emissions, biodiversity loss and the mental health and wellbeing of young people.

A red and white lighthouse at sunset
Smeaton's Tower.


Plymouth Sound National Marine Park

We've awarded £11.6million to help create the UK's first National Marine Park, revolutionising the way Plymouth interacts with its marine heritage.

Six people outside. Two people are wheelchair users.
On a heritage trail


Pearson Park - The People's Park

Pearson Park, managed by Hull City Council, is a vital green space for the whole community.

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