Saughton Park restoration project
The improved historic park in the south west of Edinburgh provides vital support for the community's wellbeing.
The improved historic park in the south west of Edinburgh provides vital support for the community's wellbeing.
The Sickle Cell Stories project is capturing and sharing stories of sickle cell disease in the west midlands, paving the way for positive change.
Nottingham’s Middle Street Resource Centre celebrated 50 years of service by recording stories from its community with researchers at Nottingham Trent University.
The Wild Mind Project is restoring a neglected green space in Brighton through nature programmes for the young LGBTQ+ community.
Kingswood Park in South Gloucestershire is the only significant local green space for its community.
This intergenerational project collaborated with two museums and their dedicated volunteers to delve into local folk heritage.
‘Internal Gardens’ used wearable technology to help people with complex disabilities create tactile connections with natural heritage.
Improved access and support for the community means that more people can discover this diverse natural landscape.
The founders of Boots and Beards are using their love for Scotland’s outdoors to bring together the wider South Asian community.
This project used heritage as a lens to engage a wider range of people, while developing skills in research, financial planning, personal care and wellbeing.
Repairs to the building will reduce the church's energy footprint and create a vibrant community hub focused on conservation and wellbeing.
£2.2million has been awarded to create a new green community hub in Penzance, housing 200 years of Cornwall’s natural heritage and a sensory garden.