Museums, libraries and archives

Project participants attending one of the intergenerational workshops
Project participants attending one of the intergenerational workshops


Back to School: Lessons to Learn

The Scottish Council on Deafness (SCOD) created a series of workshops on the educational experiences of older D/deaf people.

A group of project participants with banners
A group of project participants with banners


Egham Museum Magna Carta 800 Project

Celebrating the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta, this project delivered a programme of activities and events with the local community.

One of the rarest coins from the hoard
A coin from the hoard


Roman Sussex: saving a remarkable treasure

Brighton’s Royal Pavilion and Museums used HLF funding to save a rare treasure hoard, building a valuable network for local museums in the process.

Young participants at the Renaissance Globe Project


The Renaissance Globe Project

The Museum of the History of Science in Oxford illuminated the astonishing history of globe-making for thousands of children and families.

First World War soldiers in uniform
First World War soldiers in uniform. Photo: Tynemouth World War One Commemoration Project.


Tynemouth World War One Commemoration Project

Volunteers and local residents have gathered information on 1,700 local men from Tynemouth, all of whom died in the First World War.

A black and white image of K K McArthur with the trophy
K K McArthur holding a trophy following his marathon victory at the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm


K K McArthur Centenary 1912-2012

100 years on, Ballymoney celebrated the Olympic marathon victory of one of its most famous sporting sons with an exhibition, public performances and workshops.

Children looking at a museum display of geological collections
Children look at a museum display of geological collections


Rock Band: the UK's geological heritage

Five museums and heritage organisations in the south east of England found new ways to engage audiences with their geological collections.

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