Search for the Monks underway in Monk Fryston

The site is being prepared and the excavation trenches opened in readiness for the dig volunteers to find more information about the village heritage from the Monks to the Victorians, when it opens on Monday 15 June.
The community project will be led by professional archaeologists who will guide and train volunteers as they search this very productive site. Ceramic expert, Dr Chris Cumberpatch will be helping to analyse the finds and will also lead the free finds handling and sorting training days. After visiting the site and examining some potsherds he commented: "This is a really exciting project. The sherds I have examined look like a solid early medieval assemblage, mainly local but with some regional imports. This is fantastic news and leads directly to the question why have we found so many pieces of pottery in such good condition in this location?"
[quote=Simon Tomson, Site Director of Archaeology]"This site offers something for everyone..."[/quote]
Site Director of Archaeology, Simon Tomson, will be leading the free excavation training days. Once trained anyone who wishes to practice their newly acquired skills will be welcome to take part in the dig and be mentored by a new ‘buddy’. He commented: "This site is really productive and offers something for everyone; a safe space to work, a long period of history to unearth, puzzling questions to answer as artefacts and structures emerge."
Already volunteers are registering to take part in the dig and the two training courses. The local school, youth and adult groups will be visiting to take part and see for themselves what is being found on this fascinating site which has lain undisturbed for hundreds of years.
Commenting on the project Ray Newton, Chair of Monk Fryston Time Team, said: "We are delighted that so many people want to get involved with our project either by volunteering if they have some experience or by learning to volunteer or simply to visit the site on Open Days. Without HLF this would not have been possible and we are pleased to have their support. We will be holding Public Open Days as well as the Training Days and all details can be found on our new website."
There is still time to get involved and have a go.
Notes to editors
Monk Fryston Time Team is a self-funded local history group formed in 2009 by residents to research and document the History of Monk Fryston. Their research has led them to stage two public Monk Fryston Revealed exhibitions with accompanying lectures; to publish a Monk Fryston Heritage trail leaflet; to provide information on aspects of Monk Fryston’s history to pupils at the Primary School; to hold information events and activities at the village Summer Fayre and to stage public and private talks on various topics of local history.
The Team organised an Introduction to Archaeology Course based in the village to help them develop their understanding and interpretation of all aspects of archaeology. This led to the members identifying the excavation site and conducting archaeologist led excavations over the past three years. Team Members research various items of interest and commit to sharing their findings with the rest of the group. Information is stored in their virtual ‘cloud-based’ filing cabinet and is accessible to all the team members. The group meet once a month and new members, either resident or non-resident are always welcome to join us.
Further information
Susan Newton at Monk Fryston Time Team on tel: 01977 682084 or via email: