Nominate your #HeritageTreasures on 11 January 2024

Nominate your #HeritageTreasures on 11 January 2024

A person who is dressed in gardening attire is standing outside and smiling to camera
A person who took part in our New to Nature scheme.
We’re kicking off our 30th birthday year by celebrating our rich and diverse heritage on Heritage Treasures Day!

Join us on 11 January on social media to highlight your heritage people, objects, places, and stories. 1000s of people posted last year and we reached millions of people on the day – so let’s get heritage trending.

How to get involved

This year we’re asking you to nominate your #HeritageTreasures person! This could be a project leader, a volunteer, a project participant, a placement trainee or someone who has made a difference to your heritage project.

You’re also welcome to share your favourite heritage objects, stories and places too.

Share a picture, use the #HeritageTreasures hashtag and tag us in @HeritageFundUK on Twitter/X and Instagram.

People are stood on stairs and looking up at a painting that covers an entire wall

Get some posting inspiration:

  • This #HeritageTreasures Day we want to highlight the amazing work [insert person’s name] has done for our heritage project. Thank you – you’re our heritage treasure!
  • Happy #HeritageTreasures Day! We’re joining @HeritageFundUK in celebrating inspiring heritage. We love [insert heritage] because [insert].
  • For #HeritageTreasures Day we want to celebrate [insert heritage project] – made possible thanks to support from #NationalLottery #HeritageFund @HeritageFundUK.

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