Inclusive heritage

Three children hold tomatoes to their noses


Green Valley Conservation and Heritage Project

A derelict site in Cynon Valley has been transformed into a community garden full of people, nature and wildlife – and is now the perfect place for boosting mental health.

Six people outside. Two people are wheelchair users.
On a heritage trail


Pearson Park - The People's Park

Pearson Park, managed by Hull City Council, is a vital green space for the whole community.

A group of people in a community space


LGBTQ+ history in Llanelli

Llanelli LGBTQ+ Support have held events and activities to recognise and share the rich heritage of the town's LGBT+ community.

Performers in servants' attire at Duckie’s Lady Malcolm’s Servants’ Ball
Duckie’s Lady Malcolm’s Servants’ Ball at Bishopsgate Institute. Credit: Holly Revell


Re-enacting the 100-year-old Lady Malcolm's Servants' Ball

A collective of performance artists re-enacted Lady Malcolm’s Servants’ Ball; a firm fixture of the queer scene in London almost a century ago.

Woman with rainbow flag at Chester Pride
Chester Pride


Celebrating Cheshire's LGBT History

Body Positive has recorded and digitised the memories of the LGBT+ community in Cheshire, saving their legacy for future generations.

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