First World War Centenary

Dramatic performance by students at Royal Holloway College
Dramatic performance by students at Royal Holloway College


Frank went to the Front

Supplies of Horlicks to the troops and the evocative paintings of war artist Paul Nash were just two of the discoveries in this First World War centenary project.

A young participant learning about the First World War
A young participant learning about the First World War


Luton remembers the First World War

People living in Luton took a step back in time to explore what life was like during the First World War and the impact it had on people living in Luton at the time.

The history wall with red poppies (for those who died) or a white butterfly (for those left behind)
The history wall with red poppies (for those who died) or a white butterfly (for those left behind)


Red Poppies and White Butterflies

Nostell Priory engaged the community with a compelling programme telling the stories of the men who died in the First World War and those that survived, with an invitation to research their own ancestry and add to a message wall.

A participant exploring a stand at one of the workshops


Leicester's role in World War 1

Volunteers investigated the impact of the First World War on the people of Leicester and shared their research through exhibitions, school workshops and online.

First World War soldiers in uniform
First World War soldiers in uniform. Photo: Tynemouth World War One Commemoration Project.


Tynemouth World War One Commemoration Project

Volunteers and local residents have gathered information on 1,700 local men from Tynemouth, all of whom died in the First World War.

Children learning about the chiming bells
Children learning about the chiming bells


Local heroes: Revealing the Memorial Bells

The restoration of a rare set of chiming bells hung in 1925 in memory of 197 local heroes connected to the Memorial Community Church in Plaistow, London.

Two teenage trainees lay a new railway track by hand supervised by an older volunteer
Trainees develop practical skills supervised by experienced volunteers


Industrial railway trail - display track and viewing area

The construction of a demonstration light railway has preserved vital engineering skills, and helped young people get in touch with their heritage.

Volunteers at a First World War project
Volunteers at the launch of the project


Basildon and the Somme

Local people investigated how the conflict in Europe affected the community of Basildon in 1916.

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