First World War Centenary

Re-enactors from the WW1 Remembrance Centre, Portsmouth looking at school panels, plus children’s own work


Charing parish during the First World War

Local volunteers and school children investigated the impact of the First World War on the people of Charing and shared their research through exhibitions, open days and online.

Souvenir booklet about the work of the Hyde Group of the No-Conscription Fellowship, c.1919.
Souvenir booklet about the work of the Hyde Group of the No-Conscription Fellowship, c.1919.


Invisible histories from the First World War

Exploring the history of people who objected to fighting in the First World War and telling their stories through an exhibition and educational resources.

1st Menai Bridge Scout Group
1st Menai Bridge Scout Group finding out about the scout leaders who went to fight in the First World War. Photo: Paul Pickard


The Snowdonia and Anglesey Scouts and the First World War

1st Menai Bridge Scout Group are running a two-year project in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the closure of several local scout groups as their leaders and many scouts went to fight in the First World War.

A young participant demonstrates wartime medical techniques to a young visitor
One of the young participants demonstrates wartime medical techniques to a young visitor


Wartime Medicine and Innovation

Young people investigated the medical developments from the First World War and the impact they have on their lives today.

Group of school children
Pupils of Onslow St Audreys School


WWI - Near & Far

The WW1 Near and Far project involved nearly half of the Onslow St Audrey’s school in Welwyn Garden City learning about the First World War.

The Eden Court Collective researching stories at the archives
The Eden Court Collective researching stories at the archives


A War Unheard

Young drama enthusiasts formed the Eden Court Collective, a theatre company that set out to explore and share the untold stories of warfare.

Children at the Bradford YMCA Tea and Remembrance project
Children at the Bradford YMCA Tea and Remembrance project


Tea and Remembrance: Bradford YMCA’s First World War project

Within days of the outbreak of the First World War, the YMCA had established 250 tea huts in the UK providing refreshments for soldiers heading to war. As the war progressed, these huts evolved to serve hospitals, POW camps and training centres.

Young people in First World War historical costume
The cast of the play celebrate their achievements


Working The War

A group of young people researched the personal stories of families who worked in the local torpedo factory during the First World War.

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