Landscapes, parks and nature

A black-and-white photograph of children in Prague
Children in Prague on their way to Windermere in the Lake District


From Troutbeck Bridge to Treblinka

A community archaeology project in Windermere will uncover the site of a former Second World War housing complex used to house child Holocaust survivors.

Volunteers in the reedbed at Blacktoft Sands
Volunteers in the reedbed at Blacktoft Sands


Saving Marshlands: Wetland Heritage and Wildlife

Improving the management of important marshlands in East Riding through volunteer training and traditional conservation to connect people with natural heritage.

Brown long eared bat
Brown long eared bat


East Cleveland Batscape

Three of the eight species of bats present and breeding in East Cleveland are rare and of national conservation importance.

Lagoon View Hide in the sunshine
The completed Lagoon View Hide at WWT Washington Wetland Centre


Accessible wildlife hide helps everyone encounter nature

The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) championed Washington’s natural landscape through the creation of an accessible, environmentally conscious nature hide.

Children toasting marshmallows at a woodland storytelling festival
Children toasting marshmallows at a woodland storytelling festival


A community woodland for Bulwell

A Nottinghamshire community has been encouraged to explore, appreciate and care for local woodland in need of maintenance.

Local school children have a go at pond dipping
Local school children have a go at pond dipping


Rectory Park Gone Wild

The Friends of Rectory Park worked with local people to investigate, protect and encourage the local wildlife and plant species.

Volunteers learning new environmental surveying techniques
Volunteers learning new environmental surveying techniques


Biodiversity in Schools

There is logic in the belief that if you equip children with the skills, knowledge and passion for the natural world, they will become its guardians as they grow up.

Conservation volunteers at Kinneil lagoons
Conservation volunteers at Kinneil lagoons


Inner Forth Landscape Initiative

This landscape-scale project is conserving and interpreting the valued habitats and active industrial heritage of the Inner Forth area.

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