From Troutbeck Bridge to Treblinka

From Troutbeck Bridge to Treblinka

A black-and-white photograph of children in Prague
Children in Prague on their way to Windermere in the Lake District

Our Heritage

Date awarded
Windermere and Ambleside
Local Authority
Westmorland and Furness
Another Space
Award Given
A community archaeology project in Windermere will uncover the site of a former Second World War housing complex used to house child Holocaust survivors.

Another Space is a cultural and educational charity based in the Lake District. In partnership with the Lakes School in Windermere it will be undertaking the archeological dig of a former Second World War housing complex near Windermere. The site is currently the school's playing fields.

In 1945, 300 child Holocaust survivors, many from Treblinka in Poland, were housed on the site, where they began to rebuild shattered lives.

Students and the local community will have the opportunity to get involved in an archaeological dig. Key participants will undertake an oral history project exploring memories of the complex. Those taking part will also create an exhibition, a website and design and publish a booklet. They will also create new signage at the site.

The project culminated in an exhibition and celebration event in August 2020 on the 75th anniversary of the children’s arrival.

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