Inclusive recruitment guide

Inclusive recruitment guide

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Ten tips for designing and implementing recruitment practices to attract new and diverse talent to your organisation.

In 2022 we partnered with Groundwork UK to deliver New to Nature, a programme designed to get young people into paid nature-based work placements and diversify the sector.

Drawing on their experience of working with more than 80 organisations to recruit 98 trainees, Groundwork UK has put together a 10-step guide to encourage organisations to try new methods to reach under-served groups. And it's not just for the nature sector – it can be used by anyone working in heritage or beyond that wants to make their recruitment processes more inclusive.

How to attract new and diverse talent

Adopting these steps helped New to Nature recruit 86% of trainees from at least one of the programme's priority groups:

  1. lay the foundations
  2. understand your starting point
  3. consider an entry level position
  4. encourage potential applicants with your job pack
  5. use direct language and representative imagery
  6. adopt a simple application process
  7. develop a promotion and outreach strategy
  8. ensure your shortlisting process is fair and minimises bias
  9. support all candidates to shine at interview
  10. support the successful candidate to succeed

Find out more

Download the PDF attached to this page to explore the guide. Each of the 10 steps is accompanied by practical advice and lessons learned from the New to Nature programme, plus key takeaways. The guide also includes feedback from trainees who have experiences these recruitment practices first hand, and there's links to further reading.

The Heritage Fund is committed to supporting greater inclusion, diversity, access and participation in heritage. Through our funding, we will support organisations to ensure everyone has opportunities to learn, develop new skills and explore heritage, regardless of background or personal circumstances. Explore our Heritage 2033 investment principles to see what we can do together and what we want to achieve.

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