Wales: delegated decisions November 2024

Wales: delegated decisions November 2024

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Schedule of decisions under delegated powers for Wales at The National Lottery Heritage Fund on 4 November 2024

Grant increases

The Judge's Lodging: constructing a viable community resource

Applicant: The Judge's Lodging Trust Limited

Project description: To achieve financial resilience, safeguard this historically important building and maintain its use by the community, it is proposed to convert the previous housekeeper's flat on the first floor into two holiday lets.

Decision: Award grant increase of £138,563 to make a total grant of £303,515

Flat Holm: A Walk Through Time 

Applicant: Cardiff Council

Project description: This project will focus on restoring key heritage buildings and bringing the island’s story to a wider audience of visitors and non-visitors.

Decision: Award grant increase and agree change in approved purposes of £249,998 to make a total grant of £2,047,528

National Lottery Heritage Grants 

St Cadoc's Church Caerleon re-ordering project Phase 2

Applicant: St Cadoc's Church Caerleon

Project description: To preserve the church for future generations, making space for worship and community use.

Decision: Reject

Afro Fiesta

Applicant: Wrexham Africa Community CIC

Project description: Afro Fiesta aims to celebrate and promote African culture, heritage and creativity through a vibrant and inclusive community event.

Decision: Reject

Denbigh Museum at the Buttermarket (part of the larger project the Buttermarket Culture, Heritage and Wellbeing Centre)

Applicant: Denbigh Museum / Amgueddfa Dinbych

Project description: To support the relocation of Denbigh Museum to its new site at the Buttermarket. This includes the safe transfer of collections, installation of new interpretation and implementation of a programme of activities and events to engage new and current audiences. It will also support the recruitment of new volunteers, including younger members, to support the running of the museum, delivery of the activities and long-term sustainability of the organisation.

Decision: Reject

Shared History: Safeguarding Heritage and Engaging Our Community

Applicant: Insole Court Trust – Ymddiredolaeth Cwrt Insole

Project description: This project will look to improve the commercial viability of Insole Court and preserve the research by archive volunteers.

Decision:  Reject

Neighbourhood Wildlife Corridor / Cymdogaeth Bywyd Gwylit Coridor: Bridgend

Applicant: The Froglife Trust

Project description: To raise awareness of the need to conserve Welsh amphibians and reptiles. This will be achieved through working with local communities currently under-served by the nature conservation sector to create a Neighbourhood Wildlife Corridor (NWC) through Bridgend.

Decision: Reject

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