Using digital in heritage: the 'absolute unit' way

Using digital in heritage: the 'absolute unit' way

'Absolute Unit' sheep
'Absolute Unit'. Credit: The Museum of English Rural Life, University of Reading
Adam Koszary, formerly the Digital Lead at the Museum of English Rural Life in Reading, tells us how heritage organisations can use digital to drive success.

“We had more research interest… more people come to the museum itself… and more money coming in."

- Adam Koszary

Watch the video to find out more:

Adam Koszary is Social Media and Content Editor at the Royal Academy of Arts. He was formerly Digital Lead at The Museum of English Rural Life (The MERL) in the University of Reading.

In the video Adam discusses The MERL's digital transformation project, including its viral 'absolute unit' tweets, and shares digital tips, ideas and advice that heritage organisations of all types and sizes can put to use.

Digital Skills for Heritage

Adam spoke to us for our Digital Skills for Heritage initiative, which aims to drive up digital capabilities across the heritage sector. Funding, training and support is available to heritage organisations and sector leaders.

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