Places and poems for valentines

'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ - The Wordsworth Museum
William Wordsworth remains one of the most popular romantic poets. Along with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, he is credited with launching the Romantic Age in English literature.
His poem 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' is considered a classic of English romantic poetry, which brings together ideas about imagination, humanity and the natural world.
The Wordsworth Museum is located at Dove Cottage, Grasmere – part of Wordsworth's family home. National Lottery funding has helped the museum create new ways of enjoying Wordsworth’s poetry in the landscape that inspired him.
‘My love is like a red, red rose’ - The Robert Burns Birthplace Museum
Robert Burns' enduring legacy and humanitarian values have introduced people around the world to Scotland’s heritage, the Scots language and the Burns Supper. His songs and poetry, including ‘My love is like a red, red rose’, are known and loved the world over.
Thanks to National Lottery funding, you can explore more than 5,000 Burns artefacts and visit the humble cottage in South Ayrshire where he spent the first years of his life.
‘Lochinvar’ - Abbotsford House, the home of Sir Walter Scott
Sir Walter Scott was another of Scotland’s great writers. His poem 'Lochinvar' is about a knight that arrives unannounced at his beloved's bridal feast and sweeps her away (maybe).
Sir Walter Scott's home Abbotsford, in the Scottish Borders, has been lovingly restored thanks to National Lottery funding.
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