Our / Your Heritage output data survey

Our / Your Heritage output data survey

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These report summarise the results of the HLF’s Output Data survey for Our Heritage and Your Heritage (and in 2016 Heritage Grants) projects.

2017 report

This report summarises the results of the Heritage Lottery Fund’s Output Data survey, a programme of research which collects data from HLF-funded Heritage Grants projects (£100,000 and over) completed between April 2015 and March 2016 and Your/Our Heritage projects (under £100,000) completed between January 2016 and December 2016.

Eligible projects were contacted and invited to complete a short online questionnaire to report:

  • The types and number of activities initiated as a result of the HLF funding
  • Visitor numbers
  • Volunteer involvement
  • Training provided

Where the information was available, projects also reported on gender, ethnicity and social grade.

2016 report

This report summarises the results of the Heritage Lottery Fund’s Output Data survey, a programme of research which collects data from HLF-funded Heritage Grants projects (£100,000 and over) completed between April 2014 and March 2015 and Your/Our Heritage projects (under £100,000) completed between January 2015 and December 2015.

Eligible projects were contacted and invited to complete a short online questionnaire to report:

  • The types and number of activities initiated as a result of the HLF funding
  • Visitor numbers
  • Volunteer involvement
  • Training provided

Where the information was available, projects also reported on gender, ethnicity and social grade.

2015 report

This is a programme of research which collects data from HLF-funded Your/Our Heritage projects (under £100,000) completed between January 2014 and December 2014.

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