England, London & South: delegated decisions May 2023

England, London & South: delegated decisions May 2023

Schedule of decisions under delegated powers for England, London & South at The National Lottery Heritage Fund on 3 May 2023.

National Lottery Grants for Heritage

Newham Recorder Cataloguing Project: Celebrating Ferry Festival

Applicant: Ambition Aspire Achieve

Project description: To catalogue the unsorted editorial collection of the Newham Recorder, a local paper started in the 1960s.  The project will include young people putting on an exhibition about the Ferry Festival and an archive expert training a group of adult volunteers to lead the cataloguing.  

Decision: Award grant of £9,685


Grahame Park the hidden histories!

Applicant: Colindale Communities Trust (CCT)

Project description: To uncover the hidden histories of the Grahame Park Estate us oral histories, archives, artefacts, and research to create performance, talks, and various activations, based on the hidden histories of the Grahame Park Estate.

Decision: Award grant of £9,800


Strengthening Governance

Applicant: The Somerset Archaeological & Natural History Society

Project description: To update and strengthen the governance of Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society. The project will contribute to a programme to recruit, induct and train new trustees who will bring new skills and experience to the charity. 

Decision: Award grant of £9,800

The Real Onedin Line

Applicant: Art Work Exeter CIC

Project description: 

To research and create a film about Exeter’s Quay and its industries, comparing historic understandings with more recent physical and social transformations. A research co-ordinator will train and support a community research group.

Decision: Award grant of £10,000


We are a group of people composed of who we are

Applicant: PEER UK LTD

Project description: To create an exhibition exploring the rise of creatives and collectives which grew from Centerprise, a cooperative bookshop and café founded in Hackney in the 1970s. A series of talks, events and workshops will take place throughout the exhibition and will engage a wide variety of local groups.

Decision: Award grant of £10,000


Unleashed Community Firm Foundations

Applicant: Unleashed Theatre Company

Project description: To undertake surveys, planning and consultation to reinforce the theatre company’s organisational resilience. The project will put in place the foundations needed for Unleashed to continue and expand its work with underserved people across Torbay. 

Decision: Award grant of £29,400


Chaand Raat – Moon Night

Applicant: Muslim Women's Welfare Association Limited

Project description: To work with young women aged 11 to 25 and women with disabilities, producing a community-led play and skills-based workshops. The project will raise awareness on the cultural, historic and religious significance of Chaand Raat celebrations, which take place on the eve of Eid.

Decision: Award grant of £36,316


Martha Vineyard

Applicant: D-Live! CIC

Project description: To explore the heritage of approximately 200 deaf people who moved from Kent to America in the 1620s and created a "deaf village" called Martha's Vineyard. The project will produce a BSL film, an illustrated book, a programme of workshops and digital materials to share this heritage with the local and national deaf community and wider audiences.

Decision: Award grant of £48,750


FAST Historic Film Archive

Applicant: The Farnborough Air Sciences Trust

Project description: To digitise approximately 5,000 minutes of film from the Farnborough Air Sciences Trust archive, which records the research and development into British aviation by the Royal Aircraft Establishment throughout the 1900s. The project will produce educational resources, including a student produced film, to engage audiences online and at a premier event.

Decision: Award grant of £89,547


Breaking Waves: A living archive of Thames Ward through the lens of The Great Flood 1953-2023

Applicant: Create London

Project description: To capture and record oral history stories connected to the Creekmouth Village flood, working with diverse local audiences. It will also expand the representation of contemporary life in the Thames Ward area along with highlighting the local natural environment and the issues it faces. The project will engage local school children in oral history workshops and heritage film screenings.

Decision: Award grant of £150,911


SE.E NE.W Histories

Applicant: Fitzrovia Noir Community Interest Company

Project description: To explore industrial and scientific heritage innovations from 1790-1920, spanning early photographic creation through to mass market use. The project will be delivered through a variety of heritage seminars, workshops with local youth groups, and conservation trainee programmes. 

Decision: Reject


Museum of the Home – Real Rooms Project

Applicant: The Geffrye Museum Trust

Project description: To reinterpret the Branson Coates wing room sets, emphasising diverse personal stories to create a relatable visitor experience for all and better reflect the local community of Hackney. The project will recruit an exhibition designer and host student research placements and community workshops. 

Decision: Award grant of £246,200


#DYC Changing stories: Connecting and collecting with Exeter's communities

Applicant: Exeter City Council

Project description: To review and improve how the Royal Albert Memorial Museum collects and records existing and new perspectives about collections. The project will focus on three core strands: collections management, engagement and re-interpretation. 

Decision: Award grant of £247,708


Witness: Why are we still hungry? 

Applicant: Poet in the City 

Project description: To collect and share personal stories of those generations affected by the Bengal Famine, highlighting its resonance with contemporary food poverty experiences today. The project will lead a community archive group, skills-based workshops and an exhibition at Tower Hamlet Library.

Decision: Reject 


The Heritage of Laundry: An Immersive Audio Tour

Applicant: Quiet Down There

Project description: To research and celebrate the achievements of Harriett Cowley, a 20th-century woman who aided poorer communities in the Brighton area. The project will deliver two public, six sonic guided tours and the training of two staff and two volunteers in oral history and research techniques.

Decision: Award Grant of £9,740


What are Cornish boys to do?

Applicant: Kreador CIC

Project description: To create a temporary exhibition presenting documents, oral histories and photographs from the 'Tin crisis fights to keep the mines open' from 1970 to 1998. The project will deliver school materials, online presentations, and online training courses to engage people with the topic of British industrial heritage.

Decision: Award grant of £10,000


Mind the Gap Queer histories

Applicant: Art in Romney Marsh

Project description: To engage local LGBTQ+ communities in exploring their local heritage, researching and addressing gaps and creating interpretation to ensure their local story is told and made visible. The project aims to develop a series of exhibitions, trails, tours and workshops.

Decision: Reject


Going Out, Coming Out


Project description: To explore Oxford’s radical cultural changes during the 1960s and 70s. The project will engage over 50 people from traditionally underserved audiences, many of whom will be engaging with a heritage project for the first time through workshops and exhibitions.

Decision: Award grant of £70,127


Recovery & Resilience at The Exchange

Applicant: The Exchange Erith Limited

Project description: To build resilience at The Exchange to support the services it offers to the community. The project will focus on recruiting new staff members, reallocating resources, upskilling, delivering stronger building maintenance and developing new creative partnerships.

Decision: Award grant of £150,000


Launching TSB Raybel

Applicant: Raybel Charters Community Interest Company

Project description: To undertake capital works to the Raybel sailing vessel to make it seaworthy again. The project aims to generate greater community engagement and financial sustainability through training programmes and activities.

Decision: Award grant of £159,312


Victoria Park 130 – The People's Park: Arts, Heritage and Environmental project

Applicant: Victoria Park Action Group

Project description: To increase the biodiversity in Victoria Park and develop public engagement with conservation in the local area. The project aims to celebrate the stories of the communities living near Victoria Park. It will deliver a programme of activities and practical conservation training for local and young people.

Decision: Reject 


#DYC Our Hospital: conserving, curating and responding to the heritage of St George's Hospital

Applicant: St George's Hospital Charity

Project description: To tell the story of St George's Hospital through its art and heritage collection, improving its condition and increasing interpretation and public access.

Decision: Reject


Blandford Forum Corn Exchange: Restoration and Revival

Applicant: Blandford Forum Town Council

Project description: To conserve the Grade I listed Town Hall complex. The project will deliver workshops, events and a supporting engagement and activity programme.

Decision: Reject


Holyrood Church Wall repairs

Applicant: The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of the Resurrection, Alton

Project description: To carry out major repairs to the church wall, which is in danger of collapsing. The project aims to support the church in expanding its activities providing a safe access to people who attend the church.

Decision: Reject


Ashtead Pottery Centenary Exhibition

Applicant: Ashtead Pottery Centenary Exhibition Planning Group

Project description: To mark the centenary of the opening of Ashtead Pottery in 1923, established to provide employment for the servicemen disabled in the First World War. Through an exhibition the project aims to tell people about Ashtead’s attempt at providing therapy, and how such work continues today.

Decision: Reject


Exhibition tent at Tewkesbury Medieval Festival 2023

Applicant: The Tewkesbury Battlefield Society

Project description: To sponsor the exhibition tent at Tewkesbury Medieval Festival to invite historical societies to exhibit there. The project aims to provide a prominent space for the societies at a large event, to showcase their causes and attract new members.

Decision: Reject


Tower Clock Repair

Applicant: The Parochial Church Council of the Parish of St Peter and St Paul, Ringwood

Project description: To repair and restore the church clock, which is badly damaged and has not worked for many years. The project aims to bring this historically-important clock back to full working order as one of the last surviving clocks by renowned London-based clockmaker, Penton.

Decision: Reject


Clock Tower Canopy rebuild

Applicant: North Tawton Town Council

Project description: To rebuild the canopy over the integral seating of the clock tower, which has collapsed due to wood rot. The Grade II listed building is the centre piece for the town and is used as a community hub, meeting place and shelter from all weather.

Decision: Reject


Restoration of church pipe organ

Applicant: Parochial Church Council of The Ecclesiastical Parish of St Peter and St Paul, Lingfield

Project Description: To restore the church’s historic pipe organ originally built in 1911 by J W Walker. Once restored to its proper condition the organ would be used for public concerts, children's carols and other events and ceremonies.

Decision: Reject


From Beacon to Folly: Excavating St. Dominic's Sixth Form

Applicant: St. Dominic's Catholic Sixth Form College

Project description: To expand existing excavation work and have the post-excavation team at AOC Archaeology carry out small finds analysis. The project aims to run fieldwork for the college’s students, continuing to support many who go on to study Archaeology at university.

Decision: Reject


Inside Out Dorset: Tyneham

Applicant: Activate Performing Arts

Project description: To engage under-served groups with the heritage of Tyneham village in Dorset. The project aims to deliver community engagement activities and a live interpretation event at the Inside Out Festival.

Decision: Reject



Applicant: Learning Through The Arts CIC

Project description: To commemorate the arrival of Empire Windrush's voyage from the Caribbean to Tilbury in 1948, and how 75 years later this event has changed the fabric of British society.  The project will deliver five touring exhibitions, various workshops, a stage performance and an excursion trip to Tilbury heritage dock or Clapham South Subterranean Shelter.

Decision: Reject


We Are Here UK

Applicant: WAHUK Ltd

Project description: To provide a central digital resource of content that relates to the Windrush generation, including exhibitions, audio-visual content, art and research from the last 10 years. The project aims to create a permanent repository for over 100 Windrush-focused projects, delivered alongside a touring exhibition, workshops, oral histories and storytelling.

Decision: Reject


Grant increase request

Revitalising Newport Minster 

Applicant: The Minster Church of Sts Thomas, Newport 

Project description:  To cover increased costs for the internal re-ordering works and the activity programme. The grant increase will enable the project to complete the extensive repairs and remove the Minster from the At-Risk Register. It will also help to deliver environmental and functional improvements and implement an activity plan to engage the wider community with the heritage.

Decision: Award grant increase of £230,000 to make a total grant of £1,099,000

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