Women in World War I: The Welsh Experience

Women in World War I: The Welsh Experience

Women in World War I: The Welsh Experience
Margaret Ann Lloyd and friend at Mannesman Ammunitions

First World War: Then and Now

Date awarded
Local Authority
Archif Menywod Cymru / Women's Archive of Wales
Award Given
This 12-month project focused on the hidden histories of women in the First World War. It marked the Centenary of 1915 – the year when women were first actively encouraged to undertake work traditionally performed by men.

Women’s Archive of Wales captured the hidden histories stored in private collections of wives, widows, mothers and sisters. By using these memoirs, which have been passed down through generations, they explored the experiences and memories of women in the First World War.

Local history, community and charity groups also shared their stories about women in the war through talks and information sessions. Members of these groups provided memoirs, stories and any memorabilia they have to contribute to the wider project.

All the information collected was shared through a dedicated bilingual website and an exhibition on ‘Women’s lives during WWI’, held in libraries, museums and community centres.

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