Venus Pool Nature Reserve, Cound

Venus Pool Nature Reserve, Cound

Visitors to Venus Pool Nature Reserve

Heritage Grants

Date awarded
Severn Valley
Local Authority
Shropshire Ornitholical Soc
Award Given
The Venus Pool Nature Reserve, Cound project allowed Shropshire Ornithological Society to acquire approximately 28 further acres of land surrounding Venus Pool.

Venus Pool is one of a series of key wetland habitats in the Severn Valley Wildlife Corridor, and a refuge for over 160 species of wildfowl and waders. At the time of the project, many of these birds were in decline nationally and globally, including the little ringed plover and pochard, tree sparrow and red bunting, and nationally threatened species including lapwing and redshank. The creation of a large area of marsh and grassland as part of this project was aimed at attracting nationally threatened and declining species.

Extending the existing nature reserve has protected it from agricultural run-off, shooting and other activities that could disturb the wildlife. It has also substantially improved access for the public.

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