Treuddyn Urdd Project

Treuddyn Urdd Project

An icon of young people

All Our Stories

Date awarded
Local Authority
Treuddyn Community Council
Award Given
The community of Treuddyn, Flintshire worked on a project celebrating the ninetieth anniversary of Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Wales' largest youth organisation.

Treuddyn has a special connection with the Urdd, as it was here, in 1922, that the first Urdd ‘aelwyd’ or youth club was held. Local residents, Ceinwen Parry and Mary Roberts drove the initiative, with the support of Cllr Carolyn Thomas, project manager Lorna Jenner and the Urdd. Pupils at Ysgol Terrig and Ysgol Parc y Llan primary schools and Ysgol Maes Garmon high school interviewed and recorded older members of the community.

Particular attention was paid to how a child’s life in the village has changed over the decades. Celebrating the Urdd’s heritage at a time when many local youngsters continue to take part in modern-day Urdd activities was also key. Pupils produced a pictorial timeline, on display at Treuddyn Village Hall. A book of stories and photographs was also be produced and distributed to local households, and a launch event was held.

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