Tall Tales of Tom, The Marshland Giant

School children examining Tom’s alleged fingerprints
School children examining Tom’s alleged fingerprints

Our Heritage

Date awarded
Walsoken, West Walton & Walpole
Local Authority
King's Lynn and West Norfolk
The Windmill Primary Federation
Award Given
Local school children explored the stories of Tom Hickathrift, the giant who hailed from the marshland between Kings Lynn and Wisbech.

According to legend, Tom rid the Fens of a terrible ogre that terrorised local villagers. This story, among others, inspired a programme of activities that involved children from the ‘Hickathrift villages’ retelling the stories to their communities through song, dance, giant-building, drama and music.

The project culminated in a Giant’s Procession in the town of Wisbech, and a Hickathrift Trail publication which retells and illustrates the stories and places through photographs and images of the children’s work. The Trail was given to every family involved in the project as well as being placed in local tourist information offices and libraries throughout the area.

A teacher’s resource pack was also produced and sent to local primary schools. Information was also uploaded to the Wisbech Community Archive website

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