Saving Bude’s historic Storm Tower

Saving Bude’s historic Storm Tower

Octagonal brick structure with roof with a cross on the cliff tops above Bude in Cornwall.
The Storm Tower at Compass Point

National Lottery Grants for Heritage – £10,000 to £250,000

Date awarded
Local Authority
Bude Stratton Town Council
Award Given
The Storm Tower at Compass Point needs to be moved 100 metres inland due to the impact of climate change and coastal erosion.

Up on the cliffs above Summerleaze Beach in Bude you will find the historic Storm Tower. Situated at Compass Point, this Grade II listed octagonal tower was built in 1835 as a refuge for the coastguard. It was moved to its current position in 1881 due to coastal erosion and has continued to be a much-loved local landmark.

Threat from the climate emergency

Climate change and coastal erosion have put this structure in danger of being lost to the sea forever. In places, there are just a few metres between the cliff edge and the Storm Tower.

Supported with a £250,000 grant from the Heritage Fund, along with funding from Cornwall Council and Bude-Stratton Town Council, the tower will be moved 100 metres inland to save it for years to come. This painstaking process will see each stone moved, piece by piece, to its new home. Work started in April 2023.

Community support

Bude’s community has played an intrinsic part in saving the Storm Tower, after raising £60,000 through crowdfunding. To thank the community, an activity programme will take place to share the stories behind this iconic structure. Local schools will learn about Bude’s coastal heritage, how it has changed over the past centuries and the current threat from coastal erosion and the climate emergency.

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