Researching black history in Northamptonshire

Volunteers explore black history archives
Volunteers explore black history archives

Heritage Grants

Date awarded
St James
Local Authority
Northamptonshire Black History Association (NBHA)
Award Given
Northamptonshire Black History Association (NBHA) worked with local volunteers to research the history of black people in Northamptonshire.

The volunteers, all NBHA members, carried out research that included visits to the Northampton Museum, during which staff shared items from its collection for the volunteers to handle and discuss. Additionally, some of the volunteers contributed their own personal stories that were used as part of the project.

The research came together as part of a set of teaching resources that were to be used to educate primary and secondary schoolchildren as well as local people about the community’s history.

The project resulted in the production of five educational resource packs, each exploring different areas of local black history including the story of Walter Tull, professional footballer and the first black officer to lead white British soldiers into battle. The packs included a wealth of physical and digital resources and were specifically designed to closely follow the National Curriculum. Some NBHA members also visited local schools, presenting and discussing their memories with schoolchildren.

As well as helping to teach local young people about the area’s diverse history, the project helped establish NBHA as an organisation, linking them closely to local education providers.

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