Portobello Youth Heritage Project - 'Dig Deep'

Portobello Youth Heritage Project - 'Dig Deep'

The students taking part in one of the organised activities
The students taking part in one of the organised activities

Young Roots

Date awarded
Wakefield East
Local Authority
Award Given
“It is important to learn about history so you can tell your kids about it when you get older.”
Participant, age 13
Young people worked with a community arts organisation to discover the medieval heritage of their local area and build a stronger sense of community cohesion.

The Portobello Estate borders Sandal Castle, a 12th-century Norman motte-and-bailey fortress and the site of the Battle of Wakefield of 1460. The estate is an area of high deprivation and had no provision for young people.

Faceless, a charity that promotes arts in the outdoors, worked with Wakefield Council’s youth and heritage teams to deliver a project with young people from the estate. This focused on the medieval history of the local area. Young people took part in 12 heritage workshops at the castle and a café on the estate.

The young people formed a steering group to drive the project and make decisions about the programme of activities. These provided the basis of a performance about the Battle of Wakefield that the young people presented at a heritage open day at the castle. The young people also produced an exhibition about the battle hosted by Wakefield Museum. They designed 10 heritage inspired banners that were installed on the Portobello Estate. 

The young people developed a wide range of skills during the project that enhanced their education and employment prospects. Their work raised awareness of the local heritage on the estate and helped create a stronger feeling of community. They also helped establish a regular youth night on the estate—the first of its kind.

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