Heritage Grants
The block which houses the museum was built in the 1830s as a hand-loom weaving factory; the looms occupy the floors above three pairs of back-to-back cottages on the lower floors.
Newtown's history as a centre of industry is described through exhibits in the former cottages, while on the top two floors the story of fleece to flannel is illustrated by looms and spinning wheels. Exhibits of modern wool craft and demonstrations by experts in spinning, weaving and quilt making are also on offer.
Since the project finished, the museum has been secured, physically improved and is more sustainable over the long term. More space is now available, additional artefacts have been acquired or loaned and there is now a strong example of the wool industry which is more accessible than before the project.
The work undertaken on both the museum buildings and the wool and textiles industry, together with the related history of the area, has led to a significant amount of historical research being undertaken and several publications, displays and visual materials being produced, in part due to the HLF grant.
The skills learned by the volunteers will continue to be used to develop and run the museum and care for its collection in the future.