Kennet and Avon Canal

Canal boats on Kennet and Avon canal
Canal boats on Kennet and Avon canal

Heritage Grants

Date awarded
Devizes North
Local Authority
British Waterways Board
Award Given
The Kennet and Avon canal benefited from one of our biggest grants - £25million - to restore and protect the 200-year-old waterway.

The Kennet and Avon Canal connects the River Avon at Bristol with the River Thames at Reading. It opened in 1810, but began to decline in the 1850s with the coming of the railways.

The project was run by the British Waterways Board, now the Canal and River Trust. It was intended to secure the structure, operation and environment of the 87-mile waterway to make it operational, sustainable and accessible for the enjoyment of future generations.

The grant funded major civil engineering works, conservation of the historic environment and landscape, and restored the navigation channel. 

Facilities were improved for increased public access and improved car parking, including towpath surfacing and improved signage.

Weirs and sluices were installed and major embankment stabilisation facilitated to help control water. Forty-three miles were surveyed and dredged to provide a good navigable channel and to increase biodiversity.

To help users and the general public gain increased understanding of the canal’s heritage, the trust established links with local colleges, friends and community groups. Educational material was also improved, including the production of audio guides for partially sighted people.

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