Henshaws: One Man's Vision

A person cleans a display cabinet in the Henshaws exhibition
An exhibition featuring oral histories about Henshaws

Heritage Grants

Date awarded
Manchester, North West
Local Authority
Henshaws Society for Blind People
Award Given
When Thomas Henshaw died in 1810, he left a legacy of £20,000 in his will to establish an 'Asylum for the Indigent Blind' in Manchester.

Without Thomas Henshaw’s gift, the charity would not be able to provide the services it does to enable people to live an independent and fulfilling life.

The charity’s heritage is focused on archival material and objects, which have been accumulated over the decades relating to the history of our society and local communities.

Documents to note are:

  • The original will and testament of Thomas Henshaw along with the codicils, which follow from 26 years of dispute.
  • An oil painting stored at Gallery Oldham, which was painted in 1810 (the year he died).
  • A silver trowel presented to Miss Isabella Heywood OBE on 11 May 1964, which was used to lay the foundation of one the community houses.

Five volunteers who have memories and stories about Henshaws from the early 1950s to now will record oral histories.

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