Govan Cross Townscape Heritage Initiative

Buildings and monument in Govan Cross

Townscape Heritage Initiative

Date awarded
Local Authority
Glasgow City
Glasgow City Council
Award Given
This scheme focused on regenerating Govan Cross by repairing and restoring the area’s historic features and buildings.

It was designed to enhance the special historic character of the area to create a more sustainable and vibrant community.

Govan has a remarkable history dating back to the 6th century. In medieval times it was the headquarters of a Kingdom stretching to Carlisle, and in more recent times it became world-famous for shipbuilding. Its history has left a legacy of fine buildings and artefacts, centred around Govan Cross.

The Townscape Heritage Initiative included repairing and reusing these listed buildings, improving the shopping environment by upgrading shopfronts, promoting social heritage through community events, and improving the public realm – including the restoration of the historic access to the river.

These improvements and repairs were all focused on encouraging investment and regeneration in the area, and enhancing the vitality and viability of Govan town centre.

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