Heritage Grants
Plans involved creating a unique participatory environment to draw diverse audiences into the very heart of the television experience – its history, craft and consumption. This included three key elements – an exhibition, a viewing facility, and a live production arena.
The project was designed to enable audiences to explore the full social, historical and cultural impact of TV as well as the associated technical and creative processes.
The production arena within EXPERIENCE TV was created to enable people to enjoy real, hands-on experiences of creating television, while the viewing facility was designed to give them access to favourite programmes, adverts or information about working in television.
The key area for HLF support was The Story of Television exhibition, incorporating iconic objects from the museum’s collection into lively displays and accessible interactive experiences. These included a theatrical display chronicling the developing of British TV; and an interactive experience explaining the scientific problems that John Logie Baird had to overcome in order to scan and transmit his first TV images.