Dylan Thomas Exhibition

The Dylan Thomas Centre
The Dylan Thomas Centre

Heritage Grants

Date awarded
Local Authority
City & County of Swansea
Award Given
The City and County of Swansea (CCS) celebrate the centenary of Dylan Thomas’ birth through the redevelopment of the Dylan Thomas Centre.

CCS worked with partners, including the National Library of Wales and the poet’s granddaughter to achieve its vision for the centre as an interactive learning and engagement hub.

This work took place during a drive to mark the centenary of Dylan Thomas’ birth in 2014. Dylan Thomas is widely recognised as one of the world’s great literary figures, and this anniversary attracted national attention with the Prince of Wales acting as patron to the celebrations.

The existing centre was opened in 2001, and is home to a permanent, bilingual exhibition and the largest collection of material relating to the poet’s life in the world.

The redevelopment of the centre involved:

  • The creation of new learning facilities
  • Upgrades to facilities to safeguard the centre’s collection
  • Promoting engagement with Dylan Thomas, to work more meaningfully with wider audiences

This project created volunteering posts, and ensured that the centre will continue to celebrate the life of Dylan Thomas and engage more people with his legacy for many years to come.

For more information, please visit the Dylan Thomas Centre’s website.

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