Coming Out Stories

An interview with a seated young women
A range of filmed interviews recorded LGBT history Birmingham LGBT

Young Roots

Date awarded
Bordesley & Highgate
Local Authority
Birmingham LGBT
Award Given
Young people captured, preserved and shared the Coming Out Stories of Birmingham’s LGBT community.

Birmingham LGBT, youth group OutCentral and a steering group of young people aged 19-25 set out to share the untold stories of Birmingham’s LGBT community.

Ten young people developed skills in oral history interviewing, film making, archival research, leadership, safeguarding and marketing. Giving over 500 volunteer hours they recorded fifteen in depth interviews and used them to create a filmradio show and website.

A series of participatory events, film showings and school peer workshops shared these stories with thousands of people, while a schools learning pack helped teachers and professionals use these stories to prevent bullying in the future. The successful project was extended to create a final exhibition and event for LGBT History month.

James Wharton, Health & Wellbeing Manager said “Engaging with our local LGBT communities about their lived experiences of being lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and/or trans is vital to what we strive to do at Birmingham LGBT.

"What we found particularly important, and inspiring, was witnessing younger people develop the skills and confidence to engage with people from older generations about a common ground interest – sexuality and gender identity.”

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