Chips, Curry and Cappuccino - the Diverse Food Heritage of Swansea

Chips, Curry and Cappuccino - the Diverse Food Heritage of Swansea

Young people working on the exhibition
Young people working on the exhibition

Young Roots

Date awarded
Local Authority
Ethnic Youth Support Team
Award Given
The Ethnic Youth Support Team led on a project to discover, record, and appreciate Swansea's multi-cultural food heritage.

Ethnic Youth Support Team is a charity based in Swansea set up in 2005 by and for ethnic minority young people in Wales. They help Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) young people to achieve their full potential through a wide programme focusing on education, employment, health, community safety and family support.

This was Ethnic Youth Support Team’s first application to HLF.

This 12 month project looked in depth at the diverse food heritage of Swansea, a story that is often forgotten.  The project was in partnership with the National Waterfront Museum, and aimed to look at how such a diverse range of food has become so embedded in local culture, such as local house hold name Joe’s ice-cream.

Led by the Ethnic Youth Support Team, a group of young individuals carried out comprehensive research, with participants recording oral histories from members of Italian, Bangladeshi, Chinese and Middle Eastern communities. The project culminated in a mobile exhibition to help share the findings with other residents of Swansea.

All the information collected during the project is now available on the Ethnic Youth Support Team's website

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.