Heritage Grants
In May 2013, the Picture House in Campbeltown, Argyle celebrated its centenary. The cinema which was in bad repair received a £1.45million grant to repair and restore much of its original décor, lighting and finishes, as well as bringing it up to modern standards to suit new audiences.
The grade I listed building is still a working picture house and as such needs instant repairs. If one system was to go down the whole Picture House would have to be closed.
The main aims of the project was to:
Repair and upgrade the Picture House
Improve the customer experience – heating, seating and toilet facilities
Explore the heritage behind the Picture House through short film-making (reviving the concept of the ‘newsreel’)
Create opportunities for training in historic building repairs
The Picture House is one of the first purpose built cinema buildings in Scotland, and the oldest to have always operated as a cinema. With help from HLF, the restored Picture House will offer a wide choice of films, on two screens, seven days a week throughout the year.