Future Heritage
Discover the latest thinking about the future of the UK's heritage sector.
We are living through extraordinary times. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic brought unprecedented challenges to our sector. We are still dealing with its longer-term effects, compounded by the economic and environmental crises.
We have had to adapt to survive. Alongside the challenges there have been opportunities. From expanding the use of digital technologies, celebrating the importance of place, nature and community, to building and strengthening partnerships and embracing innovation.
In our Future Heritage blog series, leading figures from across the sector share their thoughts on what might lie ahead for heritage, offering advice and encouraging debate.
Simplicity, flexibility and heritage projects rooted in communities
Our Chief Executive, Eilish McGuinness, reflects on the latest milestones along the 10-year journey of our new strategy, Heritage 2033.
Supporting heritage now and in the future
Our Chief Executive reflects on how we are responding to the heritage sector’s challenges and invites you to contribute to our ambitious new long-term strategy.
Collaborate, don’t compete, to support innovation and drive change
Hear how digital transformation is not all about technological innovation, and that bringing people together to learn from each other is one of the keys to success.
We're championing innovation and collaboration in the year ahead
It is an enormous privilege to take over the leadership of The National Lottery Heritage Fund and National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF). Heritage has been my passion and profession throughout my life. I step into this role with great joy and hope, but with absolute realism about the challenges
Community ownership: the future of high streets
Walking through my local town centre today, where every other shop now stands empty, it’s a sad sight and a far cry from the bustling civic centre it once was. The COVID-19 pandemic and successive lockdowns have had a devastating impact on our town centres. But they’ve only accelerated what has been
Time for a change: outdoor learning for every child
The pandemic has shown us that education needs to value the outdoors and natural heritage more.
Valuing the invaluable: a parks for all fund
The value of our parks has become acutely felt during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and associated lockdowns. When being outside was restricted to just one hour a day, town and city parks became the go-to place for many. Even after the strictest lockdown measures were lifted, parks became a
We're backing the heritage sector to adapt and thrive again
As everyone around the UK faces the challenges of responding to COVID-19 amid varying guidance and restrictions, our Chief Executive shares The Fund's latest plans to support our heritage community.
Partners and pioneers – building back after the pandemic
Town centres are struggling – after the pandemic, innovative partnerships and investment in heritage can help them flourish again.
Four ways to build back value into your visitor offer
It’s time to look beyond immediate survival. Four ways to be a relevant – and resilient – part of the local visitor economy, without losing your purpose or values.
Rejecting nostalgia for positive change
It’s fascinating that one of the TV programmes that has had the largest increases in viewers during lockdown is BBC One’s The Repair Shop.
For this too is history – four ways to change
It is difficult to think of a month like the last. Despite our many differences, people across the world have come together, joined by shared experiences and common causes. Whether it is the climate emergency, coronavirus (COVID-19) or the issues of racial injustice stirred by the death of George