Habitats and species

Habitats and species

A girl holds up a native oyster by the loch
Community restoration of the native oyster beds of Loch Craignish, Argyll. Credit: CROMACH.
We support projects that conserve and enhance habitats and protect and preserve species.

We want projects to improve our knowledge and understanding of nature, and help people to access, care for and value our unique natural heritage.

Our funding could help you to:

  • improve threatened or fragmented habitats
  • help people to explore our seas and their wildlife
  • slow river flow and improve water quality
  • use nature and being outside to improve people’s lives, health and wellbeing
  • teach people about local geology and how it affects us

What we expect from projects

It is important that we lead and inspire future generations to take better care of our natural world.

We therefore want to see projects that will make a strategic difference for nature. This could mean:

  • working at a landscape scale
  • creating ambitious new partnerships
  • exploring, testing and sharing new ways of working
  • investigating new sources of income for nature conservation
  • inspiring and supporting new ways to help people engage with nature

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