Your thoughts on our new strategy, three months on

Your thoughts on our new strategy, three months on

A satellite disk at Jodrell Bank Observatory, Cheshire
Jodrell Bank Observatory, Cheshire. Photo: Ant Holloway.
A new survey shows Heritage 2033 supports heritage need and is relevant to organisations’ priorities.

In March, we launched Heritage 2033, which sets out how we’ll invest in the UK’s heritage over the next decade.

It was informed by what you told us about how we can best support the sector. We are committed to continuing to listen to your ideas and experiences.

In our latest UK Heritage Pulse survey, we asked for your feedback on Heritage 2033. Thank you to everyone who took part ­– we had nearly 300 responses.

Eilish McGuinness, Chief Executive of The National Lottery Heritage Fund, said: “Our new approach set out in Heritage 2033 reflects the generous contributions and expertise of many people and partners who care about heritage, and I’m delighted this early survey shows that we are on the right track. We will look to continue these conversations to ensure our support harnesses the power of heritage for generations to come.”

Heritage 2033 supports heritage needs

63% of respondents agreed that overall, our new strategy will support the needs and requirements of heritage. 15% said it wouldn’t make a difference and only 5% disagreed.

You said:

“Really supports the needs of the sector. Feels very much like the Heritage Fund has listened and responded to what's needed now, and for the next chapter.”

“It will enable visionary thinking beyond short term unsustainable project based interventions.”

Two people stand next to the timber of a boat being built.
Land & Sea traditional boat skills, Brightlingsea. Photo: Brenden Kelly

Our investment principles are relevant

87% agreed or strongly agreed that our four new investment principles are relevant to their organisation, their future plans and new project ideas.

Larger organisations (turnovers over £1million) told us inclusion, access and participation was the most relevant (89% agreed) investment principle to them now. They said protecting the environment was most relevant (89%) to their future plans.

For smaller organisations, saving heritage was most relevant now (86%) and in the future (81%).

You said:

“Great principles. Really positive to have saving heritage back at the heart of the purpose of the Heritage Fund. Protecting the environment is critical, and delivering a genuinely inclusive approach in a meaningful way is really important.”

Strategic initiatives

When asked which of our strategic initiatives is most relevant to organisations, heritage in need ranked highest (74%). This was followed by place (62%), landscape and nature (51%) and acquisitions, opportunities and emergencies (45%).

Large organisations said landscape and nature was most relevant (76%), while small organisations identified heritage in need (81%) as most important to them.

You said:

“We will be interested to see how the strategic initiatives pan out in the environmental sector.”

People look at display cases in an old library
John Rylands Library, Manchester

Mixed opinions on £10million grants

Last month we increased our upper grant limit to £10m. In our survey, we asked how this would influence the type of projects you apply for.

65% of large organisations said they would change their approach, while most small organisations (53%) said they wouldn’t.

Landscape and nature organisations were most keen on submitting larger applications, while industrial, maritime and transport organisations and intangible heritage groups said they would be least likely to change their approach.

You said:

“The increase from £5m to £10m is vital if major projects are to go ahead and is therefore welcome.”

Continue the conversation

UK Heritage Pulse is a collaborative research project to collect the views and experiences of the UK’s heritage sector, and help influence our work.

Visit the UK Heritage Pulse site to register, take part in future surveys and get access to the latest sector insights each month.

Our new strategy

Heritage 2033 concisely sets out our overarching principles and ambitions. In the summer, we'll release the first of a series of delivery plans that will provide further detail and direction. Until then, please continue to apply for funding using our current guidance and outcomes.

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