Working in partnership to improve places in Scotland

Heritage organisations can submit applications for the same project through each organisations’ individual grant programmes. We’ll work together to consider projects which – with dual funding – can maximise impact and deliver positive and lasting change for Scotland’s places and communities.
Local communities building local plans around heritage can have a powerful effect not only on local pride, but on local economic prosperity too.
Caroline Clark, Director of the Heritage Fund in Scotland
How it will work
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) has launched a new programme, Heritage & Place, offering grants up to £1.5million.
We’re encouraging applicants to the HES programme to also apply for area-based project grants from the Heritage Fund. We’re accepting Expressions of Interest for grants over £250,000 through our National Lottery Grants for Heritage.
We want to hear from you if your project will support a combination of activities, including:
- the repair and reuse of historic environment assets
- improvements to greenspaces and access to nature
- training to strengthen local traditional skills
- building capacity within communities to value and look after the historic environment in the long-term
- celebrating and capturing local memories and traditions
- all projects should include activity that involves a wider range of people in heritage
We’ll be hosting joint engagement sessions with HES in April and May for applicants to find out more about our partnership approach.
The difference it will make
Caroline Clark, Director of the Heritage Fund in Scotland, said: “We’ve been investing money raised through the National Lottery in Scotland’s historic towns and villages for over 25 years and we’ve seen first-hand the incredible difference it has made to local communities.
“Heritage and culture give a place a unique identity, making it special for the people that live there. We’re delighted to work in partnership with HES to offer funding which will help to repair and protect the historic core of a place. Local communities building local plans around heritage can have a powerful effect not only on local pride, but on local economic prosperity too.”
Amy Eastwood, Head of Grants at HES, said: “Heritage-led regeneration and the reuse of historic buildings have the power to transform places and generate long-term social and economic benefits.
“By partnering with the Heritage Fund and taking a collective approach to our area-based funding programmes we hope to support applicants to maximise their funding opportunities, as well as encourage high-quality, sustainable development plans for Scotland’s places.”
Further information
Explore our guidance for applications over £250,000, as well as our area-based scheme good practice guidance.
Find our more about the Heritage & Place programme on the HES website.
Follow us on social media and sign up to our newsletter (make sure you tick the Scotland box) to hear more details as we have them.